Friday, December 30, 2011

Talk Block with Ron Paul

I recently was sent the Foreign Policy Statement from the Ron Paul Campaign by a friendly Ron Paul supporter.

My Response:
"all those points are very good ones and even the ones I disagree with have merit behind them.

I WANT to discuss those issues. Discuss them with you, with Ron Paul, and with the rest of the LP and the wider libertarian movement.

And yet, there's the rub.

When people Ron Disagrees with want to discuss Foreign Policy, for example, he gets all wound up and angry. He uses terms like "neocon" in an inappropriate and insulting manner, and frankly a clearly incorrectly.

I don't appreciate him shutting down discussion by calling anyone names, much less calling me a "neocon".

I also don't like him calling me a "Zionist" in an inappropriate and derogatory manner.

You see, through decades of being a leader and activist in the California LP and the wider libertarian and freedom movement of Southern California, I've become allergic to that.

For too many years, the Ron Paul disciples have all spoken to me, and about me in this kind of derogatory manner.

And you know what? After a while I realized I didn't have to keep my head down and take it anymore.

It cost me a few elections, but so what?

If I were President, and I never will be, I would not only want a Donald Rumsfield as a foreign policy advisor, but I would also want a Ron Paul type. He'd have to deal with the racism problem first, but certainly his type of philosophy.

You see, I'm all for being careful about spending money overseas in any way, and doing as little as possible, if in fact doing it not at all could be achieved, so much the better.

Ron Paul accuses me of being a profligate spender of the lives of young Americans. And it's just insulting.

He shuts me and anyone else down before we can even discuss the matter with him and frankly, I'm tired of having a conversational partner that doesn't want to converse.

I feel the same way about Israel and Hamasbollah.

Ron Paul doesn't care what I say or what my concerns are.And that's my problem with him on Foreign Policy.

I'm 100% good with his positions, minus the racism, to be worthwhile points that MUST be considered before we send children and rifles overseas to settle my personal interests.

I still want to know more about Newslettergate.

I have problems with the racist comments, the racists supporters, the racist newsletters, the meetings for lunch on Tuesday at Thai food or whatever it was that Doctor Paul has never denied meeting with these people for.

I want to know about his relationship with William Carto.

I want to know why he thinks Hezbamas and Iran are morally equivalent and even superior to Israel and for him to explain how Israel ripped anyone off, much less any Palestinian Arabs.

But it all comes back to the fact that Ron Paul and his staff, supporters and friends all call me names.

I don't appreciate the Jew Zionist Neocon crap every time I say I'm concerned about some Foreign Policy Issue.

And every time Ron Paul does so, I'm going to cry racist.


Kennita said...

Pick on some other Republican for a while. It seems that, a la Ayn Rand, the cleaner the floor, the more you see every speck of dirt. Ron has enough friends to have been elected multiple times, so some of them are bound to be objectionable, but I don't think he's any more racist than you are. If you prefer one of the other Republicans to Ron Paul, support that one and say why, rather than just throwing brickbats. If you Prefer Ron to the rest of the Republican contenders, leave Ron alone -- he has enough of an uphill battle. Pick on him after the primary, and if he wins that and you prefer him to the Democrat, after the general election. Keep your eye on the prize. If you don't care who wins in November (hint: it won't be the Libertarian), pick on both major parties equally.

Bruce Cohen said...

Seems to me Kennita, that your strategy doesn't fit my goals.

I personally am an 'Anybody But Ron Paul' Voter.

I just can't stand the thought of him as President at this point. I also can't imagine how he can possibly do a repair job fast enough, or sufficiently, to make me change my mind.

I'm a Gary Johnson fan and I do think there is a shot for him to win.

With his successful executive experience, if he gets into the debates, it could be the best shot the LP has ever had at the Presidency.

I oppose Ron Paul and so what?
I'm not racist and it's nasty for you to defend Ron for being racist and then try to drag me down to his level and tell me it's not that bad there.

I think there are a lot of better choices and I'm not afraid to say so. (can't you tell?)

Besides, if Ron Paul can't stand up to MY scrutiny, how will he make it past the Obama gauntlet?

Aard V Atheian said...

My problem with Ron Paul’s position is that he thinks that the Islamic hostility against us is a blowback of our policies starting that with the Shah of Iran.
I am from the Middle East and I can attest that the hostilities against the Christians, Europeans and Americans were much greater before the American policy did anything in the Middle East. I remember massacre after unprovoked massacre everywhere in that part of the world during the 250 years all the way to 1956 when the Shah event occurred.