The same goes for Television news. Many hate Fox, many hate CNN and the rest of the Mainstream Media.
I'm going to throw my two cents worth at this question. In my mind, Fox News is clearly the 'most libertarian' of any broadcast source, TV or radio.
Fox has the most pro-freedom hosts and guests on, including many who are out-of-the-closet declared small l and capitol L Libertarians.
Now I know very well the purist and anarchists are going to rant and rave about Dennis Miller being imperfect, so I'm going to ignore them when they do. Big picture, which is what counts, we have a news organization that's very friendly to the concepts of small government and individual freedom. 'But wait!', my detractors will yell. 'Fox News is a Bush-Promoting, warmongering bunch of baby killers!' 'How can you cal lthem libertarian?'
I'm not going to deny Fox News leans Republican. However, I am going to say that in line with their 'fair and balanced' slogan, they've been very tough on the President, mostly for things Libertarians have problems with.
They have pounded him on overspending.
They have pounded him on the Prescription Drug boondoggle.
They have been very forthright about the failures of leadership in the Iraqi war and have never shied away from discussing problems and bad news from the war front.
But Fox News does have more guests on the air from Cato and Reason and Heritage, espousing Libertarian views than CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS combined.
And, they are very open minded about our approaches and solutions, whilst the rest of broadcast media, with very few exceptions are pro-government solution, socialists.
Short of having news anchors such as LP Officers Aaron Starr and Chuck Moulton, Fox News is about as good as one could really expect to get.
More points for Fox News: They've given a lot of coverage to Ron Paul.
Sean Hannity has stated on the air he would be a Libertarian, except our position on the 'War on Drugs'. On the other hand, he's been willing to concede thatparticular war is a failure and has been willing to discuss the possiblity that decriminalization or Legalization just might work.
You don't find that at CNN or anywhere else but Fox.
Other news organizations are universally pro-Dem, pro-socialism and pro socialized medicine. Fox is pro First and Second Amendment, unlike the rest of the MSM gang.
Fox is against quotas and 'affirmative action'. Fox is pro choice in education.
Fox is against socialized medicine. All these things big media are in the opposing camp as a matter of editorial policy.
Fox has libertarians as news anchors and contributors, such as Fox Senior VP Neal Cavuto, Fox Business News Head Alexis Glick, Larry Kudlow, Dennis Miller and Fox website Blogger Rodney Balko. The list continues.
Note - Bruce Cohen is the Immediate Past Chair of the Orange County, CA Libertarian Party.
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