Note Congressman Paul says:
- This is a "pre-emptive war" (It's not, and so what if it is?)
- We should not choose sides - right or wrong
- Since Hamas has fewer arms, Israel should not fight back
- Fighting has been going on there for decades (So?)
- The Arabs there have a tough life, so cut them some slack
Doctor Paul contradicts himself, clearly showing his bias.
He says the US gave them a 'green light', by not saying anything
against the Israeli military operation.
But all along, he's been saying the Israelis should be allowed by
us to fight back. He's also said we should stay out of it and not
tell Israel how to handle this problem.
Which is it? Stay out of it, or say no? One can't have it both ways.
This seems to prove the concerns that he's an anti-semite.
I find it hard to believe he can possibly talk out of both sides of
his mouth this way and not truly be anti-Israel and anti-Jew.
I say this as a supporter and defender and even a sometime
employee of Doctor Paul.
This is not about American involvement. Ron Paul only
complains that we didn't say no to Israel, of course after
he's said for years American should not comment.
This is not about the deficit as America is not sending
any money to Israel to fund this war.
The only thing that has changed is that finally Israel is
responding to having their cities rocketed and bombed.
He also complains that Israel might turn off water
or traffic into the terrorist zones.
Well, if the terrorists hate Israel and Jews so much,
why don't they generate their own electricity and
grow their own vegetables.
When Israel pulled out of Gaza and forcibly expelled
the Jews who had lives, businesses and farms there,
all those buildings and businesses and farms were
left intact for the Gazans to use.
Did they?
No, they vandalized and destroyed it all.
I say shut them off and let them work their way out.
Better they should focus on growing carrots and
purifying drinking water than shooting rockets.