Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ron Paul Votes Against H Res 951, Condemns Israel

Recently, Congressman Ron Paul voted against
Congressional Bill H Res. 951

H Res 951 is a resolution:
Condemning the Ongoing Palestinian
Attacks on Israeli Civilians"

Doctor Paul stated: "I believe it is appalling that
Israel fires missiles into Palestinian areas where
children and other non-combatants are killed
and injured."

Doctor Paul is entitled to be wrong.
Especially when he's wrong for the right reasons.

Doctor Paul is against foreign aid, on principle.
Doctor Paul also is against war, on principle.

He feels that if Israel hadn't been held back by
America, they would have solved this problem
long ago, and he's right about that.

I agree with him on all three of the above points.

Where he is wrong, and he's very wrong on this,
is to find some kind of moral equivalence between
the rocket attacks from Hamas and Company,
and the defensive actions of Israel.

" thousands of Palestinians living in Gaza
celebrated the slayings of the Israelis by
holding rallies in the
streets, handing out
sweets to children and by
attending prayer
and thanksgiving services.

"The Hamas terrorist organization issued
a statement
saying that they added their
blessing to the operation,
and that it would
not be their last." - Arutz 7 News

It's hard to believe that someone as intelligent
as Doctor Paul could be sucked into such
dishonest rhetoric. One can only believe he
is listening to the 'Blame America and Israel
First' lobbyists and pundits.

For many people, statements like this are
deal killers when considering Presidential

Israel is arguably the single most careful
military in the world when it comes to the
treatment of civilians in war zones.

To ignore this is dishonest.
To not know this is foolishness and a
complete lack of understanding.

Is Doctor Paul ignoring the facts, or does
he actually not know them?

Either way, it's not a good position for
him to take.

So, let me say that I agree with Ron
Paul that we need to carefully abide by
the Constitution. That we ought to avoid
war whenever possible. That we ought
not to dole out Foreign Aid like candy.

That we ought to stop holding Israel
back from smashing their enemies
cleanly and decisively is another point
where Doctor Paul is right on the money.

But, we are dealing with good guys and
bad guys in this conflict. We are dealing
with one group who are our loyal friends,
and another who are our sworn enemies.

Passing a Congressional resolution of
support for our friends, the good guys,
is just not something I feel good about
Ron Paul standing up against.

I will continue to support Doctor Paul
when he's right.

This is not one of those times.