Sunday, March 14, 2010

Breaking Live: Three Million Lives on the Line for Freedom!

Three Million protesters in Thailand are demanding the
corrupt and illegitimate government of Thailand step down.

This is the third day in a row that Bangkok is at a standstill.
All shops are shuttered and locked.
There is very little traffic except for the protestors and
the Army.

The protesters have given the Prime Minister ten
minutes to resign, or else.

The military is ready for a fight and has leveled
their weapons at the protestors and have stated
they are prepared to fire on them.

These are real freedom fighters, not some petty
folks defending bad behaving children in the LPCA.

Even if you can't understand a word of Thai,
you can immediately get the gist of what's
happening and the emotions behind it.

All of Thailand is wearing red shirts today.

And so am I.

Good luck and bless these brave people.

I fear there will be blood spilled today.

I see no way out.


Bruce Cohen said...

The protestors have stated as of 11:40 PM Pacific time, 1:40 PM Thai time, they are willing to die for freedom.

Bruce Cohen said...

1:45, they say they will leave their blood on the steps of the government. The crowd agrees.

Bruce Cohen said...

The military tried to drown them out with louder sound, but were unable to. It seemed to only energize the crowd.

Bruce Cohen said...

All of Thailand is glued to their TV sets. The Thai 'street' is with the red shirts. No one is at work today, they are in the streets protesting, or locked up tight at home.

Bruce Cohen said...

The Thai people are volunteering to donate their blood, literally, for this. The Red Shirts are going to take this blood and literally pour it on the front of the government headquarters. All my Thai friends, male and female say they are going to donate their blood for this.

Bruce Cohen said...

The following is the exact verbatim text message I just got from a young Thai woman about this: "we will put everyone bloods on thier place working

at the door of governments place working

yes yes pour blood on that,

I will donation my bloods also

I am ready"

Bruce Cohen said...

More text messages:

"Now the red shirts mob go back to my office area,, to wait and see how cheating goernment will do next

quit or not quit

Tomorow they will see all reds shirts bloods people pour on ground they walk in government place

im almost cry when the leader of red shirts mob announcement this"

Again, verbatim.

Bruce Cohen said...

Turns out 'Opposite' Abisit, the Thai Prime Minister, is despised by the population for being a coward as well. All Thai young men are expected to serve in the military and he avoided service. Today, they expected him to face the crowd and make a statement, but he took a chopper out and said nothing. OPPOSITE ABISIT, you heard it here first.

Bruce Cohen said...

Rumors are swirling in Thailand about the situation. Many people are afraid to go to work in Bangkok or travel in the area, due to a rumor of a bomb being planted at Victory Monument.

Folks are also discussing how and where to give blood.

Prime Minister Thaksin is speaking to the crowds by remote from Bahrain.

When he said words to the effect of, 'when this is over, the victory won't be mine or yours (the red shirts), but Thailand's.'

You can pretty much guess how the crowd reacted.

Bruce Cohen said...

Some very brave people have donated their blood and the RedShirts are pouring it on the steps of 'Opposite' Ahbsit's Headquarters.

Bruce Cohen said...

The Thai government is now threatening to shut down 'the people's TV' as the Thai Street is calling Folks are talking about falling back to FaceBook and Twitter.

There is a lot of anger at this threat and I hear rumors of serious violence if PM Ahpisit carries through with his threat.

Bruce Cohen said...

The RedShirts went to the (illegally installed by military coup) Prime Minister's house to pour blood and curse him today.

He split.

He must be at least a little scared of them to run away
whenever they demand he speak to him.

It's not like he doesn't have a microphone and speakers.

And a bunch of cops and soldiers and tanks and guns...

The Thai person watching from work and home is really

pissed off at the guy for woosing out and they love Thaksin.

And red shirts are everywhere. Not just at the protest, but all over Thailand.