Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Rudy Finally Beats Ron Paul - Then Quits!

For those of us who find both Rudy Giuliani and Eric Rittboink
distasteful, tonight is a night to revel in their further elimination
from relevancy.

Rudy did so poorly in Florida today, he and his staff have
informed the media, Giuliani will formally leave the race
tomorrow and endorse McCain.

Yeah, strike a blow for freedom there, guys.

From bad to weird.

Rudy comes in a distant third, and he quits.

And then there were four.

Before Texas Earache starts spinning wildly about this, let's
not forget that Ron Paul's Campaign decided there were not
enough delegates in Florida to spend a lot of time and money

Sure, Ron Paul came in last at 3%, but so have some of the
others previously, but they didn't give up, and neither will he!

No money, no honey.

Let's also not forget that Ron has money, and more is steadily
coming in. My guess is that Mister Huckabee will be out fairly
soon, no matter how much he wants to play kingmaker in a
brokered Convention with his delegates.

He's broke.

Things will get to be very interesting when it's a three way
race between Ron Paul, Romney and McCain.

If Ron survives Stupor Tuesday, we have a real campaign
on our hands.

Rudy checked out two days before the Primary

My people in the Guiliani campaign saw the writing on the
wall days ago, and say a deal was struck with the McCain
camp before the first vote was cast. All the Giuliani folks
have already gone looking for jobs with McCain or Romney.

The LP just got more relevant

Looking further forward, if Ron Paul does not win the GOP
nod, and doesn't stay in as an Independent or Libertarian,
the LP Candidates suddenly take on a lot more significance
in the overall outcome of things.

Wayne Root is very confident he can win, George Phillies
team is busy mailing and calling people, and Steve Kubby
is building his team and gathering endorsements.

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