I hate to give PR to someone I disagree with as
much, and as often, as Steven Kinsella. However,
his recent article at Lew Rockwell has me more
than a bit steamed.
Here's the link:
"I know you hate Ron Paul." is the theme
of his article, and it degenerates from there.
Ron Paul with a Pro-Life Baby
Kinsella's screed is quite rude and insulting.Worse yet, I'm quite sure it will cost Ron Paul
votes, and not gain him a single one.
It's the very common Libertarian communication
style of preaching to the choir about what's 'right',
while turning off anyone not a insider.
This type of nastiness, and the fact that between one
third and one half of Libertarians are 'pro-defense', is
why the LP has shrunk so drastically in membership
since the war in Iraq.
That, and the shrill noise heard from the outside has
kept away new recruits.

Brian Holtz made quite a good case for the math on
this one, using the Badnarik campaign's very, very
low vote totals as one of his illustrating points.
I'm quite sure the Ron Paul campaign would never
put their foreign policy this way, as they are perfectly
aware that politics is a game of addition, not one of
Just a refresher for those of us in this for the long
haul: the war issue is what a Political Scientist
would call a 'losing issue'.
A losing issue is described as something that
divides your political group, and divides the voting
constituency from which votes are drawn.
This is a deep underlying failing of the LP and the
wider libertarian movement. They have alienated
and driven away their freinds, allies and potential
friends and allies with this kind of behavior.
This is especially dissapointing, considering we,
as a group, have so very many 'winning issues'.
A winning issue is one that unifies your political
group, and unifies voters in your elecoral area.
Preferably, this winning issue is one that your
opponents disagree with, as well.
Considering the party is unified on a laundry
list of issues that are also widely supported
by America, it's clearly immature and stupid
for us to have a corporate culture to hang on
to the 'anti-war' all the time banner.
I am not trying to talk people like Kinsella out
of their position on this matter. What I am
pointing out here is that using this issue itself
as a 'sales feature' is a failure and should be
left aside.
That is if you actually want to win some
elections and change American politics.
As a side note, Mister Kinsella's anti-semitism
and Jew-baiting make hims a less than credible
spokesman for the Ron Paul Camp.
I personally support Congressman Paul's
electoral efforts, and would love to see a
Ron Paul Presidency.
I for one, can overlook that we don't
agree on several issues, but instead, I
prefer to focus on where we do agree,
not only on the great majority of things,
as on the big picture as well.
Well said Bruce, I my self have remained silent about Ron Paul neither approving or disapproving, mostly out of respect for other libertarian opinion and efforts.
However if the likes of Kinsella are going to shoot across my bow, I'm going to shoot back.
An Open Response to Feminized Leftist Libertarians;
Back away from your bongs and crack pipes a moment and re-consider your conspiracy theories, leftist anti-American hatred propaganda and feelings based anarchist Utopian pipe dreams. Reality's a bitch en't it!
We REAL Libertarians still love our family's, god and country more than a misguided political party of feminized shallow thinkers who revel in emotional knee-jerk reactions, easily swayed by leftist Utopian promises of doves with twigs if only we lay down our swords and let our enemies kill us.
Perhaps it's time that YOU took notice of reality instead of deluding yourselves with wishes of what ought to be. You seduce yourselves with your self-righteous arrogance and deny the truths of history because it don't easily fit your paradigm of anti-government delusions.
Save face now and admit America should have stayed the course in Vietnam and helped the fledgling new country of free peoples fight off the evil communists of the north. It was because of people like you who convinced the people of America that it's better to embrace the dove than the hawk, that 3 million Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians died under the boot of tyrants, despots and communists.
THINK an surprise us all! Study reality and human nature, realize that laying down your sword gives your enemy a free swing at a vital organ. Real Libertarians use reason, logic and deep thought not leftist propaganda, Utopian pipe dreams or emotionally feminized passions of wishing well princess's who think we could live happily ever after if Ron Paul were president.
So reality rears it's ugly head! Life's a bitch en't it? Brutal and mean mixed with moments of satisfaction and happiness, to survive with any modicum of comfort we have to work for it. Yeah I said WORK, a four letter word I'm sure you're familiar with, it's what most of us do between being born and dying. Real Libertarians aren't afraid of that word, in today's technological world it means more than getting a little dirt under the fingernails. It means studying and gaining knowledge, thinking deeply with reason and logic, it means acting consistent with reality not dreams.
Reality; Ron Paul will NOT win the presidency.
Reality, Ron Paul is WRONG about foreign affairs and don't represent REAL Libertarian thinking on this issue.
Reality, all you anarchists, conspiracy theorists and anti-government impassioned swayed easily by leftist propaganda who call yourselves "Libertarian". You're not!
Reality, your choice this coming election will be between socialist Democrats or socialist Republicans. that's just the way it is. Note; try THINKING before you vote I'm not sure you can trust your conscience I believe it's been corrupted by leftist idealism and wishful thinking.
Boy, Bruce; are you telling me you actually read all the Ron Paul stuff on lewrockwell.com?
I'm a Ron Paul fan and visit lewrockwell.com each day, but I rarely read the seemingly endless number of Ron Paul items on that site.
I couldn't make it through the Lew Rockwell piece or the first post here it is a shame when the dialog deteriorates so. Personally, I love to debate it helps me to refine, solidify, and sometimes change my positions. I realize that there is an intelligent person on the other side of the issue with complex reasons for their position.
Personally, I hold the classic libertarian position on foreign war. I served in the Navy, so I am not a passivist. I happen to believe that our extended presence in the Middle East is counter-productive. I was an intelligence specialist in the Navy and so when the President said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, I foolishly believed him and supported the invasion. However, occupation is a different matter entirely. Nothing good can come from America occupying a country in the Middle East. As far as defense spending goes, a really have a hard time seeing how we need to spend more than the rest of the world combined and what are we getting from that expense? The next closest country is China and they are a very, very distant second. I would be completely comfortable with our matching our defense spending to that of China. Do I believe that everything will be hunky dory if we pull out of the Middle East? No, but I believe that if we aren't in their face they will be more occupied with fighting themselves (e.g. Iraq). It is clear that we aren't going to bring peace to the Middle East, so let's get out and focus on our own interests. If we cut the amount of fuel expended by the military and focused on energy independence, there wouldn't be significant funding available for terrorists. If we find terrorist camps, but all means hit them and get out, but don't occupy the area.
How does that sound for a dove?
Bruce pointed out that I misspoke when I said "..when the President said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, I foolishly believed him and supported the invasion". I should have said Saddam had no active WMD program that was capable of producing WMD because the sanctions had effectively prevented him from having that ability. We did find old WMD that was left over from his prior WMD program.
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