Founding Fathers or Funding Fathers?
Why the Bailout is NO Emergency.I've been dreaming of the day when Democrats would
scream 'the sky is falling' and no one would listen.
Or at the very least, no one would believe them.
No, let's make that
any politician, including
Republicans and even my own Libertarians.
And here we have it, where each day Nancy Pelosi
screams more loudly and more desperately about
what an emergency we have on our hands.
Make no mistake.
DC, we have a problem.
But it's not an emergency.
The emergency passed long ago, say during the
Clinton and Bush administrations, when the
watchdogs allowed Barney Frank and Barak
Hussein Obama to give and take financial favors,
and ignore fundamental economic principles
that lead us to where we are.
The GOP, so desperate to be 'kind and gentle'
mildly and meekly made a few demurring
statements about the problems, but put up
nary a fight, much less a protest.
And, despite my differences with Congressman
Ron Paul about Foreign Policy, here he is, right
about the big picture again.
And what did the wise old Paul tell us all
along, again and again?
He stated the obvious: We can't fight a war
or defend ourself if we're broke.
is a tiny glimmer of hope in Congress,
finally. Now that the Republicans are in the
minority again, they standing against big
government spending. (Who knows why they
must be in the minority opposition to do so?)
And we're broke, people!
Our national debt exceeds the entire net worth
of every American, COMBINED, I'm told.
That's the very definition of being broke.
When you owe more money than you're worth.
And we are REALLY broke, because we are going
further and faster in the hole than ever before.
Fortunately, it seems that America is waking up.
America is against the so-called 'bailout'. Obama
and the Democrats realize that, and that's their
real hurry, where their emergency lies.
Because, it's
their emergency, not ours.
There's another reason for the hurry.
Democrats know if they don't get this passed in
a hurry and they don't get their mitts on this
money, OUR money,
and fast, they just might
not, because America, even on the liberal
coasts, is against this.
They want your money,and they want it now.
They finally have an excuse to fund the social
engineering programs they have been dreaming
of for generations. Yes, the Marxists are here,
and they are not your friends.
And finally:
They want someone to blame.This is a delicate balancing act.
The Democrats and their leader Obama don't
know if the economy will pull out on their
watch or not. They don't really care, either.
But what they DO want is a scapegoat.
If they can't get this passed, and things don't
get better, they can blame it on us for not
letting them have the money to 'stimulate'.
As for me?
I prefer to keep the money right where it is now.
In your pocket and mine.
In the bank accounts and retirement funds
of the good Americans that earned it.
There is NO rush.
Take your time.
The longer it takes to pass this bill, the more time
America has to wake up and come out against it.
A special note of appreciation is due to the
the public figures who have been pointing this
out for some time and continue to:
Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,
Glenn Beck, Wayne Root, Michael Savage
and Michael Medved.