Where in the World is Wayne?
Bruce Cohen - December 3, 2008
There was a lot of concern about
the so-called mainstream
candidacies of Libertarians Wayne
Root and Bob Barr.
Root and Bob Barr.
This concern came from within the Libertarian
community, echoed in the mainstream press.
The concern was about the overlapping questions of Candidate
motivation, effectiveness and perseverance.
In other words, why are these people running?
How well will they do for our movement, our Party, our Brand?
And finally, how will they do after the election is over and the
bright lights are turned off?
It's no secret I'm a big fan of Wayne's, so don't be emailing
and blogging about how I'm biased. I'm going to stipulate
to that right up front here.
Post Election, Wayne hasn't let up at all.
His assertions that he was not a temp, but the real deal, hold
up just fine when looked at in the post-election light.
Wayne is still pounding the pavement for the Libertarian
Party, promoting our agenda and brand.
And doing so rather effectively.
During the election he shocked a lot of people by being the
first Libertarian VP Candidate to get so much major media
coverage, in fact, arguably more than Bob Barr, the top of
the ticket LP Candidate for President.
So he did well leading up to the election...
Did he go away, and prove right the folks making negative
predictions about him?
Not at all.
Since the election, he's continued to be a regular on
major media, appearing on both TV and radio to major
markets. Wayne has discussed everything from the
non-bailout 'bailout' to what it means for Obama to win.
Recently, he was on Fox News' top-rated business show,
Bulls & Bears. Watch it here: http://snipurl.com/730rc
Instead of giving up, he's increased his commitment to
the Libertarian Party and to our mutual effort to change
America for the better.
Wayne realizes the Libertarian Party is the only remaining
Political Party with any shot at change, or with any leverage
to truly make a difference.
He's still appearing on Neal Cavuto's FOX show, on a regular
basis, and nationally syndicated radio shows, such as the
Mancow Show and The Jerry Doyle Show.
Wayne has been appearing on Neil Cavuto more often
even than Ron Paul, another Libertarian hero.
Some of you may think it's a bit early to think about the
2012 election for President.
Wayne doesn't think so.
I agree.
What we need is a leader, a promoter and an organizer.
We need not just a pretty face, but someone that can
explain Economics to the average American, and make
the case for personal freedom from the standpoint of
a squeaky clean 'Boy Scout'.
And that's Wayne.
It's one thing for Cheech and Chong to make the case
against the War on Drugs, but when the tee-totaling
father of four home-schooled kids make the case, it
starts to gain credibility.
It's one thing for Atheist Penn Gillette to come out for
a wider separation between church and state, but when
Wayne, a born-again Christian with deep Jewish roots
does so, it's a big deal!
As a small businessman turned VP and Presidential
Candidate and Author, Wayne can rail against government
bureaucracy, overregulation and taxes like no one else.
And he does, all over the media!
Wayne is set for life, with a successful business, a beautiful
family and home and all the toys one might want; not to
mention an amazing job, traveling the world.
But he's not satisfied.
His newest book, "The Conscience of a Libertarian" is due
to be released, by one of the biggest publishers in the world,
by Christmas.
to be released, by one of the biggest publishers in the world,
by Christmas.
Wayne could be enjoying the holiday break. Instead, he's
writing six to eight hours a day- all for our Libertarian cause.
Wayne is someone who loves to build and improve things,
for himself, and those around him.
for himself, and those around him.
So, for those Libertarians and Americans who've been
asking themselves where Wayne is, be assured he's getting
less sleep than about anyone I know, working on his
marriage, family, business; for the Libertarian Party,and
on creating a successful Libertarian Presidential Campaign
in 2012.
And the book.
I'm watching Amazon for my first chance
to pre-order it.
Copyright Bruce Cohen - December 2008