Libertarian Sarah Palin to Debate Wayne Root?
One can only hope.
It certainly would be far more interesting than
seeing her debate Biden, the Dela-where Socialist.
Clearly, this is a good sign for America and the
Libertarian Party. That folks in secret smoke
filled rooms wanted and needed our votes enough
to choose her means a lot.
Both Libertarians, and the larger silent majority of
libertarian thinking and leaning Americans, can't help but
be pleased McCain would choose this very pro freedom woman
as his VP running mate.
Sarah Palin has been touted as a good thing for America
and Alaska for a long time by Libertarian bloggers, not
to mention open minded members of the mainstream media.
I agree.
Sarah is the kind of 'small l' Libertarian I could get
very excited about.
I won't be voting for Sarah this season. Though if she
were heads up against Wayne Root for President the,
the choice would be tougher.
I just can't see voting for Sarah, when it would mean
being stuck with John McCain as President.
McCain just isn't very good on the issues important
to America and Americans today.
Besides, why waste my vote on one Libertarian when
I can get two for the price of one?
More importantly, I want a President who's good
on the Constitution, taxes, spending and equal rights
for all. Bob Barr, for example.
It was a very smart political move to choose Sarah
as a running mate.
This choice underscores how badly American needs
Libertarians. And not just Libertarian voters, but
a Libertarian in the White House.
Copyright Bruce Cohen, August 2008