Wayne Root on Top Again!
The predictions of many, of Root fading away to the pressure
of Barr, Gravel and Ruwart seem to be quite overstated.
While it's no secret I have been a fan and supporter of Mr.
Root from the beginning, this is not an opinion, it's the
results from the Midwestern Libertarian Conference.
In a few rushed phone calls with Convention attendees,
I got the news that many of us were dying to hear.
Who won the debate with so many big name newcomers?
Yes, it was a close photo finish, with Barr coming in a close
second and Gravel coming third, but Wayne Root won.
Gravel finishing in the money was a big surprise for me.
Mary Ruwart finishing out of the money was a bigger one.
Bad News for the Extremists in the LP
Those Libertarians who have a narrow view of what it
means to be a libertarian keep having both their
predictions and hopes dashed to the ground.
Their desires for an extreme and non-inclusive
platform seem to be drifting further and further
from their reach. The national LP has polled their
membership several times now, and in virtually
every case, the mainstream Libertarian view has
outpolled the excusivists by a landslide.
[Visit HERE to see some of those polling results.]
And now, with regard to the Presidential
Candidate selection process, every indication
says the mainstream, wide-appeal candidates
have the most credibility among the many
Convention attendees.
Libertarians are tired of being ignored.
Libertarians are tired of being irrelevant.
We have Cato and Reason and plenty of other
libertarian groups that are excellent for policy
wonking and 'education'.
But, a political party, and that's what the LP is,
should influence the electoral process in every
way it possibly can.
Choosing a Candidate that will appeal to Joe and
Jane Voter is the best possible way to do this.
No more boring speakers or angry fanatics need apply.
This is especially important when it comes to selecting
our flagship Candidate, the Presidential nominee.
And the rank and file Libertarian realizes this, now
much more than ever.
Libertarians want someone with real world experience
as a business, military or political leader.
Libertarians want someone who has the magic
combination of good looks, gravitas and charisma,
while still being very likeable.
And, Libertarians want an accomplished and exciting
public speaker.
This is why many of the Candidates some people
were so excited about have fallen off the back of the
pack and have become non-contenders.
They miss at least some of the requirements on
the list I just mentioned.
In my very biased opinion, Wayne Root has the most
complete resume when you look at it from this perspective.
Steve Kubby, clearly does well in this regard, and very well
may surprise us all at the LP national Convention next month.
Certainly the news is the best for Root and Gravel.
Both Wayne and Mike weren't expected to do well against
Barr and Ruwart.
And for Bob and Mary, the news is clearly not good, especially
for Ms. Ruwart.
Expectations were for Barr to sweep things once he formally
declared his Presidential Candidacy.
Mister Barr was notably predicted to 'hurt' Wayne Root, and
'take away votes' from him.
This didn't happen.
In fact, the Root first, Barr second finish, clearly shows people
are looking to after the nomination as to how the Candidate
will perform with American voters.
Finally, the Third Party Watch Polling shows again there
are only a few front runners, no matter how you slice it.
Wayne Root is near or in the lead in every single poll,
election, straw poll, Convention preference election and
State Primary.
There can only be a few people in double digits, and the
rest will be rapidly eliminated by the delegates in Denver.
Some Libertarians are disappointed, even furious.
But, for those of you who think like I do, that a big
picture, mainstream Candidate will be what makes,
or breaks, this election season for the LP, don't get
even the smallest bit complacent.
You must attend the Convention
in Denver next month.
Those who actually show up have the
future of the LP in their hands.
Just because we are doing so extrememly
well right now, doesn't mean we have a
lock on things.
Saturday and Sunday, be there, or don't
complain if we have some fruitcake for
a Presidential Candidate and a bunch of
nutcases on the national Board of Directors.