Background: Ron Paul was not invited to a recent
Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates
Forum. Some Jewish Ron Paul supporters are
very upset about this private organization's
decision to not include Congressperson Paul
In all fairness, Congressman Paul is polling somewhere
near zero, darn it all.
As much as I personally want Doctor Paul in any debate,
it's not unreasonable for an objective debate organizer
to draw the line somewhere.
If there were a scientific poll anywhere, anyplace,
any time that had Ron Paul at 10%, then they'd be
clearly wrong. Heck, I'll even go with 5%.
The County straw polls, which are fun, and make me
cheer when I see Ron do well in them, are hardly
indicative of much, if anything.
Frankly, Doctor Paul has run from the Libertarian
label, and made it clear he won't run for President
as a Party member if he loses the GOP nomination.
It's futile, embarrassing and marginalizing for us
to have temper tantrums when he doesn't get
included, and we don't get our way.
I wish he were included.
I do think Ron is relevant.
But, a fair person of a different mindset might
very honestly and honorably not agree.
The Republican Jewish Coalition has an agenda
our favorite Republican doesn't fit.
Many feel Doctor Paul is quite anti-Israel, anyway.
He uses the term 'Zionist' in a derogatory fashion,
and has done little, if anything, to endear himself
to the Jewish community.
[Note: My Libertarian loyalty only comes after
my American affiliation, even before being Jewish.]
Demanding Ron Paul be included is just silliness.
Why should the RJC put him in?
What's in it for them?
Instead of being babies, we ought to be frank with
ourselves. There is a lot to like about Ron Paul.
A lot.
However, his polling numbers and national
influence are not among them.
Further, his position on Jewish and Israeli
issues are likewise not among the things
I respect and support Ron Paul for.
Let us be grateful for the many times Ron
Paul has been included. Let us thank
Fox News, and the other networks who
have been more than fair in the amount
of coverage and air time he has recieved.
We certainly are not going to win them all.
Especially not this time.